303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays 303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays

Music Music Music

Humidity, Temperature and Storage for Guitars (or any wood instrument)

Wood is easily affected by temperature and humidity changes, therefore taking care of the surroundings of your guitar is very important in order to keep the instrument in a proper way. Gradual changes won’t generally do permanent damage but sudden ones do. For this reason it is important to avoid them and assure that the guitar acclimate to its environment.

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How Do I Tune My Ukulele?

How Do I Tune My Ukulele?

How To Properly Tune Your Ukulele

The open strings of the ukulele are as follows:

• G: the 4th string (most to the left on the fretboard)
• C: the 3rd string
• E: the 2nd string
• A: the 1st string

This is when you are have your ukulele in standard tuning, this is what you need to play most of the songs.

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Can You Tune A Ukulele With A Guitar Tuner

Can You Tune A Ukulele With A Guitar Tuner

First of all, you need to check if your Guitar Tuner is Chromatic, meaning it has all the notes, or does it have capacity for Ukulele?  The problem is that the Ukulele has a "C" string and the guitar doesn't.   Many tuners are setup for just guitar and only have the guitar strings.

Then there are some that hear the sounds easier:  there are Pedal Tuner, Clip On Tuners, and Audio Tuners.

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Woodwinds - What Are They?

Woodwinds - What Are They?

Woodwind instruments are a family of musical instruments within the more general category of wind instruments. Common examples include flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, and bassoon. There are two main types of woodwind instruments: flutes and reed instruments (otherwise called reed pipes).  Bagpipes are also a woodwind instrument.

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Need An Instrument - Not Much Time to Handle the Details?

Need An Instrument - Not Much Time to Handle the Details?

-I don’t have time to research instruments or find out what’s best.  I need this taken care of for me but I want to trust that my child is getting a good quality instrument and the things we need to give the best start to this endeavor...

Rent-to-Own with Golden Music has these time saving features:

1.   The best quality instrument - we take time to find the best instruments to offer.  For band instruments, we only carry Yamaha and Buffet.  For strings, we hand select our workshops and it always ends up being family teams that are trained in the art of building violins, violas, cellos and basses.

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Quality Musical Instruments and What They Can Give You!

-A quality instrument costs more but it saves money in the long run and it will make you practice more because the sound and feel of holding it is more pleasurable.

If you’re buying an instrument for a child, you can pick a cheap one but if you want a better sound and more of a chance for the child to want to practice everyday, you want something better. 

 Sound "quality" or "timbre" describes those characteristics of sound which allow the ear to distinguish sounds which have the same pitch and loudness.   While a cheap instruments is making the same "note" as the quality instruments, the timbre can be screechy, harsh, not pleasing. 

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Violin Around the World - A New Documentary Coming out Soon...

Violin Around the World - A New Documentary Coming out Soon...

...Besides the human voice, there is no musical instrument as flexible and adaptable as the violin. Countries as far afield as Egypt and the USA, Sweden and India, Turkey and Ireland use the violin (or fiddle, or keman, or geige, etc…) in their traditional music as if it were a native instrument. Classical traditions from Europe, the Middle-East, North Africa, Central Asia, and India have adopted it as well.

Using the violin lesson as a point of departure, we'll visit historic sites, dance groups, musicologists, and experts in folklore and history.  A short segment on the history of each country or region and its people will also be interwoven into the story line. 

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Why Music Is Important... From the Kids

These are Great Quotes!  They are all from 7th and 8th graders at Madison Middle School and other nearby schools in Appleton, Wisconsin.  The kids say things so clearly - seem better than the quotes from famous people.

“Music lifts up your soul and releases it.” – K. D.

“Music is what moves everyone, and without it, life would be pointless.” – D. D.

“Music is important because it can describe people, places, movies, or animals that words can’t.  Without music, the world would have a hard time understanding other things.” – B. P.

“Music is important because it helps you express yourself in ways that you can’t with normal talking.”– S. L.

“Music is important to me because it gives me something to look forward to everyday.” – K. K.

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