303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays 303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays

Mentorship and Music Modules


At Golden Music in Lakewood

Mentorships and Music from 1 pm to 6 pm

Open to the public ages 6 and up and the Golden Lyceum Montessori students.  We have two types of classes that we are offering:  Parent Led Mentorships and Music Modules (includes Band & Orchestra).

1) It takes a village to raise a child... For more information on Parent Led Mentorships click here.

2)  Band and Orchestra click here.

3) Music Modules for Fall 2016  - See below


Open Studio/Music Gym  

  • Students work on their own projects and are able to discuss ideas and projects with other students and teachers.
  • Students will be given the opportunity to play/try out any instrument we carry in the store.


  • Students learn about basic song structure and lyrical arrangement.
  • Including musical storytelling/ballads, poetry, etc…

Homemade Instruments

  • Students learn about sound and make instruments from everyday items (ex: rubber band box guitar, balloon bongo drums, paper plate tambourine, popsicle stick harmonica, etc…).

Introduction to Recording   

  • Students learn the basics of recording music and produce a song.
  • This class could develop into a production class where students learn how to produce, market, and release an album.   

A Cappela Group

  • This vocal based module teaches students simple songs while incorporating rhythm and harmony.

Group Guitar/Ukulele/Harmonica/Recorder

  • Beginner to intermediate students learn how to play basic songs on each instrument. (If this is an ongoing class, we could do quarterly performances.)   


  • Students learn how to create marketing segments for artists or music products, which eventually could be published on community radio.
  • Project develop into a Golden Music radio program or podcast.

Rock n’ Roll Class

  • Rock based group where students learn to play tunes on guitar, bass, drums, vocals, etc.

Music History

  • Students learn about different musical eras and the composers who made the biggest impact on music as we know it.


  • Students learn how to conduct in order to better understand a conductor as well as enforcing time and rhythm.

Musician Wellness

  • Students learn how to properly sit/stand while playing an instrument.
  • Students learn what muscles are involved while playing their instrument (advanced students).

Music Theory

  • Students learn about major, minor, tonic, diminished, augmented chords, chord progressions, etc...

Ear Training

  • Students have to critically think about rhythm, chord progressions, or notes that they hear and then notate them

Guest performances

  • Local musicians perform and engage students through informational sessions. This could include Golden Music Teachers in addition to others (dance, ethnic music varieties. etc...)

Christmas Carolling - Seasonal class




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