303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays 303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays

Performance Instruments

Do you think you might be ready to move up? Any student familiar with their instrument, including how to create melody, rhythm, and even play a few basic songs in the correct timing, might be wondering if it’s time to upgrade. A professional instrument will help you develop greater skill and make more enjoyable music, so it can be exciting to start looking at them!

Those thinking about making the switch to a higher-caliber instrument should consider how well they play and how far they want to take their musical hobby. These are a few factors that can influence your decision on whether to upgrade instruments:

You’re Committed to Playing Music 

Playing music on beginner instruments for a while has probably gotten you comfortable with how it works. You’ve got a good idea of whether you’re interested in continuing to play, or whether you leave your instrument in its carrying case most of the time. If you are committed to playing, go ahead and upgrade. The music from a professional instrument will be of better quality and you’ll feel great playing it. 

Ready for Growth 

After you’ve been regularly practicing and are accustomed to playing, you may outgrow your student instrument. A musician who feels that their beginner instrument is holding them back is probably ready to switch to a professional instrument.

Feeling Limited by a Basic Instrument 

A student instrument can only take you so far. It’s a good time to upgrade if you can’t express your musical aptitude well enough through your basic instrument. 

Maybe the simplest measurement is this: If your beginner instrument has brought you a sincere love of music that you can’t imagine losing, and if you want to take that passion to new heights, that’s a great sign that you should upgrade.


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