303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open M-F 10-7, Sat/Sun 10-6 303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | OPEN M-F 10-7, SAT/SUN 10am-6pm

Virtual Group Feature - Clarinet / Sax Class with Mark Harris Tuesdays

Virtual Group Feature - Clarinet / Sax Class with Mark Harris Tuesdays

We now have a virtual group clarinet/sax class and are offering a free trial session to you.  This is your change to get started, brush up, or get some coaching from longtime Denver educator, Mark Harris.
Brand new beginners to experienced - all welcome
CLASS MEETS Tuesdays 5:30-615 - first class free!!
then Buy three get one free at only $10.50 per session!!! (normal price $14).
Class is virtual and you login to our private portal.
Mark Harris is currently the Assistant Professor of Studio Saxophone at Metropolitan State University of Denver. After brief distractions of basketball and tennis in high school (Go Pomona Panthers!!), Mark found his way to the saxophone and music at CU in Boulder.  He has been a teacher at Golden Music for longer than I can remember!  Maybe 20 years??  Mary
from Mark:
I have had a fair bit of experience playing, from doing solo classical recitals to playing with many many bands- including Thinking Plague, Hamster Theatre, momen terra, random Axe, the boulder Creative Music Ensemble, Monkey Siren, Lois LaFond and the Rockadiles, recording with all those, and Fred Hess, and Ron Miles, and various one off recordings etc- I have been fortunate to have had some excellent students who now are doing quite amazing things in the music world.
Mark Harris is an excellent musician and patient teacher for both of my children." Joel Sep 2020  
In and Outside this Environment of Covid Group Music Lessons Make Sense
Most parents want their child to be a music maker. Learning to play music, instructed in private or group lessons, benefits and enriches their lives in many ways.  The benefits are supported by hundreds of research studies.
One of the benefits, confirmed by research is that making music in a group setting improves quality of life and even helps us build deeper relationships.  The benefits of being a part of a group with shared interests and a common purpose cannot be underscored. Below is a list of just some of the benefits you could see in your children if you enrolled them in group music lessons.

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