303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays 303-279-1111 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lakewood CO 80215 | info@goldenmusic.co | Open Monday - Thursday 11am-7pm & Saturday - Sunday 10am-5pm. Closed on Fridays

Transform Your Life With Music Making

Transform Your Life With Music Making

You have the power to transform your life and the lives of your children.  Music heals, brings people closer, brings joy back into your life, fun happiness.

Music Can Change Your Life – Become a Music Maker!

Notice when you listen to a song that has memories or is uplifting or trips you back to a different time of a different mood, your mood can change.  tap to the beat, hum to yourself, sing loudly, out of tune and move, then see how this changes your mood even more.  The sound waves effect our physiology, mind, emotions…  It’s so cool and truly satisfying to create sounds out of silence.  Music is powerful to listen to but also to create! 

Become a music maker – find your way into the music and become a creator of sound.  It doesn't have to be complex - just one note drawn out from your soul is beautiful, is music!

First Step - Develop a relationship with your instrument

Maybe you remember loving playing an instrument but lost track of that feeling somewhere along the road.  Think about infatuation – the child hood crush – what about holding that same feeling for this endeavor of playing an instrument?  Procastinating…  we all do it… start with the intention.

Second Step - Fall in love with your instrument

We have to mentally commit.  Make the leap and you’ll fall in love, feel the burning inside to be making the music…  Spend time with your instrument.  If you spend the time, the connection will build.  There is always more to learn, more to feel, more details to absorb.  Watch videos, talk to people, go to live concerts.  The more you take this to heart, you’ll see that you are creating a beautiful, fulfilling and lifelong relationship.   Don’t be intimidated!  Just start on the path.  You’ll discover incredible details, nuances and small specks of joy along the way.

Third Step - Fuel the Fire - always remember the beginning - how did it all start?  What were the dreams that this could become?  Don't forget the vivid color and these scenes.  You found your instrument and it found you!   The focus, practice, goal setting, etc, the “work” can come later.  Priority is enjoying the time you spend with your instrument.  Of course, the more time you spend practicing with intent, the better you get at it and the rewards come. 

Forget about learning that next song, or getting the technical run down perfectly.  Forget about the band or the musicians or the concerts you’re going to and



HAVE FUN – try new things!  Get new gear!




Ideas from percussionaut.com “falling in love with your instrument.”


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